#29 - Remnants
The Gladiator,[br_tc] Russell Crowe,[br_tc] And a single line that has remained in me:[br_tc] What we do in life, echoes in eternity.
Traces of life,[br_tc] Imprinted daily[br_tc] Only to be washed away[br_tc] By time or rain.[br_tc] A temporal existence,[br_tc] Hard to grasp,[br_tc] Understand,[br_tc] Or accept.[br_tc] Searching,[br_tc] In every corner of my mind[br_tc] For answers that I know exist,[br_tc] But cannot understand.[br_tc] Struggling to make sense,[br_tc] Of a senseless fight,[br_tc] Refusing to accept the answer,[br_tc] Staring me in the face.[br_tc] My today’s dilemma.[br_tc] Tomorrow, I don’t know…