#76-Little things…

When I first saw this picture, I had no clue where Susanne took it. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why and where these numbers could be painted. Then she explained and showed me: Zurich airport parking lot, 6th floor, parking space #6. It’s where she had parked when picking me up from the airport last week.[nbsp_tc]Six is my favorite number. This day, she had driven to the 6th floor and found an empty spot in space #7, but as she was getting out, the car next to her left. So she got back into the car to re-park in #6. Happy as she was, she even took a picture to show me later :-)[nbsp_tc]When she told me the story, we laughed at her silliness and I gave her a big hug. But that innocent part of me felt more than just her fleeting thoughts. It’s the simple things in life that bring me joy - her thinking of me, re-parking the car, taking a picture, sharing, laughing… I was in her thoughts. I was with her. What else could I ask for?[nbsp_tc]Perhaps it’s a small thing, but today it’s these moments in life that make me smile and feel special. I used to take them for granted, but that’s the past. Today it’s the 6-6’s… Simple, no? Lucky, no? Yes. 


#77-On their own


#75-An inspiration