#21 - A smile
There is a tree along a small passageway[br_tc] Near where we live.[br_tc] It bears no fruit,[br_tc] Only purple flowers.[br_tc] Yesterday one lay on the ground,[br_tc] Alone, with nothing around.[br_tc] The wind may blow it away,[br_tc] Or an errant foot,[br_tc] Crush it to nothingness.[br_tc] But in the meanwhile,[br_tc] It does what comes naturally:[br_tc] Adding color to a small passageway[br_tc] Where it lives.
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A bloom fell off a tree.[br_tc] I didn’t see it, she did.[br_tc] Late in the day,[br_tc] Looking at the picture together[br_tc] Made us smile.[br_tc] And I slept with this image in mind.[br_tc] This morning, I promised myself:[br_tc] Today, I’ll also try,[br_tc] To make someone smile…