#23 - Simplicity

There’s a water fountain in the village where we live. It’s old, likely built well over 50 years ago. Rectangular, made of thick stone, two zinc spouts a meter apart with cool, fresh water gently flowing all year round. On warm summer days after a walk through the fields, we stop there, wet our faces and hair and let the cool water sooth our skin. On winter days when walking past the fountain, I usually wet my hands, even though the water feels freezing. It seems to be our ritual.

There are days when I linger there longer than usual just to listen to the sounds. It’s like ancient, ageless music.

I love this fountain – the way it looks, how it sounds, the crystal water it provides. It’s timeless and gives me a certain sense of security. I think it’s more along the lines of faith than anything else. Regardless of what it is, I’m grateful for it all.


#24 - Leaving


#22 - Nature