#26 - Perspectives

The bee:[br_tc] What a nice day. Sun and sweet smelling goodies everywhere. Yummy! Oh look, something green, interesting smelling and kind of cool. Let’s go see.

Oh no! It’s water, with bubbles. Wet and sticky. HELP!!! I can’t get out or fly! Gulp, gulp, gulp. This tastes funny. I’m getting dizzy. I think… I’m going to… pass out…

Oh wow! How did I get out? Thank god for fresh air. Let’s climb and fly out of this place.[br_tc] Sure isn’t what it seems.

Me:[br_tc] Oh no!!! A bee just fell into my beer bottle! Run, get a glass, empty the beer. The bee isn’t moving, it’s floating! Oh gosh… Empty the glass into the nearest planter, where we grow chives.

I stand there and stare. Hope’s flown away and I’m starting to feel the sadness. But wait, the bee is starting to move! It’s alive and climbing one of the stalks!!!

Relief, a deep, happy breath, and a new bottle of beer – to toast to a resilient, brave bee.

= = = = = =

Real “drunk bee” picture and true story (except for the bee’s experience…)



#27 - Blue Skies


#25 - Fleeting moments