#9 - Parts
There’s something special about the color green.
It appeals to parts of me I know well.
Some I can name,
Others I just know exist.
The little kid inside me,
Who wants to run through the fields,
Roll around in the grass,
Smell the fresh scent,
Feel alive and play.
Or the part that likes to stare,
Let his shoulders relax,
Empty himself bit by bit,
And wonder about life,
Asking questions
With answers that leave me unsatisfied.
Still, he never gives up.
The questions come back,
Like a never-ending game,
Like a dog,
Chasing its own tail.
Like me.
But it’s ok.
It’s one of the games I play.
I like the greenery.
It soothes me.
And with mountains, lakes,
Clouds and the breeze,
The picture is complete.
Perfect,[br_tc] Isn’t it?